Automating Bee Docs Timeline with Applescript
Using Applescript to Integrate Timelines Into Your Workflow
Applescript technologies can be used to integrate Timeline 3D with other products and data sources to automatically create timelines.
The Structure of a Timeline Document
Understanding the basic anatomy of a timeline document will help you compose your script:
- Document: Top level object which can be opened, closed, and saved to disk. Also controls background appearance and view modes.
- Row: Contained by a document object, and timeline can have one or more event rows. Rows can have labels and a variety of visual design settings. Please note that the Timeline user interface maintains the same visual settings for all rows in a single document, but scripting will allow you to set different values for each row individually.
- Event: Contained by a row object. Event objects contain the data for each event as well as visual design settings such as the color.
Sample Script to Create a Timeline from Recent Mail Messages
This script shows how you can use Applescript to create timeline charts with any application that supports scripting.
tell application "Timeline 3D" activate set newDoc to make new document tell newDoc -- hide the intro panel set showing panel to false -- bulk edit view is much faster for large timelines set view mode to bulk edit view set name of first row to "MOST RECENT E-MAILS" -- set the row label -- create a new event for each message repeat with messageNumber from 1 to 20 tell application "Mail" set myMessage to message messageNumber of inbox set mySubject to (subject of myMessage) as string set myDate to date received of myMessage set mySender to sender of myMessage end tell -- end tell application "Mail" tell first row to make new event with properties {¬ name:mySubject,¬ notes:mySender,¬ starting date:myDate,¬ URL:"",¬ image:"/Applications/",¬ image size:50,¬ colorR:1.0, colorG:0, colorB:0.5, colorA:1.0} -- If there was a media file to associate with each event, -- it would be added to the properties in this format: -- media:"/Users/myaccount/Music/audio.mp3", end repeat set view mode to screen view -- back to screen view after the changes end tell -- end tell newDoc end tell -- end tell application "Timeline 3D"
Sample Script to Convert a Timeline to HTML
In the following script the frontmost timeline document is converted to simple HTML, one event at a time.
tell application "Timeline 3D" set header to "<head><style>h1, h2, p { font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; margin:0} h1 { font-size: 12pt; margin-top: 25px; } h2 { font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; margin-bottom: 10px; } p { color:#555; }</style></head>" & return & "<body style='width:400px'>" & return set eventContents to "" tell first row of front document repeat with myEvent in events set eventLabel to my encode_text(name of myEvent) set eventDate to my encode_text(displayed range of myEvent) set eventNotes to my encode_text(notes of myEvent) set eventContents to eventContents & tab & "<h1>" & eventLabel & "</h1><h2>" & eventDate & "</h2>" & return if the length of eventNotes is greater than 0 then set eventContents to eventContents & "<p>" & eventNotes & "</p>" & return end if set eventImage to my encode_text(image of myEvent) if the length of eventImage is greater than 0 then set eventContents to eventContents & "<img src=\"" & eventImage & "\" />" & return end if end repeat end tell set footer to "</body>" set output to header & eventContents & footer end tell on encode_text(this_text) -- required to prep text for html set the encoded_text to "" repeat with this_char in this_text if this_char as string is equal to "<" then set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & "<") as string else if this_char as string is equal to "&" then set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & "&") as string else if this_char as string is equal to (ASCII character 10) as string then set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & "<br />") as string else set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & this_char) as string end if end repeat return the encoded_text end encode_text