Timeline View Options
Screen view, print preview, and bulk edit mode. Make the most of each of the view options.
Screen View

Screen View optimizes your timeline layout to fit within the document window. Also, in this view tick marks are shown in the bottom scroll bar indicating the position of all the events in the timeline chart.
This view is recommended when you are displaying your timeline on-screen and when you are editing the contents of your timeline. It makes efficient use of the available space whether you are using a small laptop or a very large cinema display.
Bulk Edit View

Bulk Edit displays the contents of your timeline in a table. In this mode all automatic layout is turned off for maximum performance. Bulk Edit View allows you to filter your events using search and sort your events by any attribute.
This view is recommended with editing very large timelines. It is also a great way to enter many events quickly.
Print Preview

Print Preview shows how your timeline chart will look when it is printed. The size of your timeline reflects the paper type and orientation selected via Page Setup in the File menu. The layout of the timeline is optimized for the chosen paper size and will expand across multiple pages if you chart requires the space to avoid overlapping.
Printer margins may be adjusted. By default, they are set to your printer’s minimum margin size.
This view is recommended for making final changes to fonts, image size, foundation height, and event data prior to printing or export.