How do I export a timeline to work with iMovie?
Frequently Asked Questions
Using iMovie to edit your 3D timeline with other footage or to add music and narration is a great way to display your timeline.
Exporting HD video from Timeline 3D will include QuickTime chapter markers for each event. Unfortunately iMovie will not import movies that contain chapter markers.
The easiest way to use a timeline with iMovie is to use the “AppleTV” export option which will create a QuickTime movie file. Then add the timeline movie to your iMovie project by using the “Import Movies…” command in the File menu.
If you wish to use one of the other QuickTime export options such as the “Custom…” export which allows you to choose specific frame rates and compression codecs, you will need to remove the chapter track from the movie before it can be used with iMovie. Using QuickTime Player Pro, choose “Show Movie Properties” in the Window menu to display the movie tracks. Then select the chapter track, delete it, and save your movie. Now it will be compatible with iMovie.